Blog posts

Traditionel eller moderne hotstone varmer – Hvilken skal du vælge?
Når du arbejder med hotstone-massage, er det afgørende at vælge den rette hotstone varmer. Skal du vælge en klassisk hotstone varmer eller en moderne Vulsini hotstone varmer? Valget afhænger af,...

Tmax Kinesiology Tape: The ideal solution for injuries and support during sports activities
When you play sports, it's not just the intensity that puts demands on your body, but also the risk of injury. Tmax Kinesiology Tape Sport is the perfect solution to...

Rowing machines - your way to better fitness and strength!
Guide to choosing a rowing machine: With or without water Rowing machines are a great exercise machine that offers a full-body workout and effective calorie burn. But when choosing between...

Lafomed - Professional autoclaves
Professional autoclaves and sterilization solutions LAFOMED is a recognized brand in autoclaves and sterilization equipment, known for their high quality and reliability. The products are designed for professionals in the...

Electric massage chairs
Benefits of electric massage chairs – Private and in companies Electric massage chairs from Altermed are an investment in well-being and health, both at home and at work. They offer...

Our new website is live!
We are proud to present our brand new website! With a fresh design and improved functionality, we have made it even easier for you to find the information you need...